Responsible for communicating additions to the meeting agenda to the appropriate Administration Assistant.. Responsible for keeping track of action items and ensuring the employer’s executive follow up on their responsibilities. Labour Management meetings occur once every 3 months during work hours.
Term of Office
- 2 year term
- Elected in January of even years
- No specific training is required for this position, but as all positions we encourage you to take as many workshops as desired. Any meal or mileage expenses will be paid by the union.
Time Commitments
- 2 hours per quarter work time
- 2 hours per quarter personal time
Bylaw Description
This committee will:
- Ensure that provisions are followed as outlined in the Collective Agreement.
- Provide a written report to the recording Secretary prior to the next executive meeting. The report should be circulated to the committee by the chair for approval prior to submission.
- Require all of its members complete the “Intro to Stewarding” workshop, and encourage its members to continue with any appropriate workshops that are offered.
The Committee shall conform to the format as outlined in the current Collective Agreement and shall have the following members:
- Elected Committee Chair
- President or VP
- Chief Shop Steward
- CUPE National Servicing Representative
- A member selected by the Chair and Executive Board
- An alternate selected by the Chair and Executive Board