
Union Positions

Below are a list of our positions, click on any of them to view a description. If you have any question regarding any of the positions feel free to contact a member of the executive.

Union Officers


Committee Chairs

Collective Agreement

If you have questions about the contract, please get in touch with a member of your executive.

Bylaws and Constitution

Our bylaws set out the rules for how our local democratically elects our representatives, and how it is run on a day to day basis. The CUPE Constitution sets out all of the guidelines and principals that all CUPE locals must adhere to.


If you have questions about your benefit entitlements, please contact your steward or a member of the executive.


CUPE 1431 members are part either the Halifax Water Pension Plan or the HRM Pension Plan.  You can find more information about your plan below:

Halifax Water Pension Plan

HRM Pension Plan


This page has the information regarding upcoming CUPE Workshops and Conferences that may be of interest to members. If you wish to apply to take a workshop please read the Education Guidelines and then fill out the Workshop Application. A member of the education committee will contact you after its submission.

For further information on any workshops listed, or if you are interested in taking one that is not currently offered, please contact your education committee.

CUPE 1431 Workshop Information

CUPE Workshops

CUPE Conventions

Union Forms

This page contains different forms and information that you may need as a union member. If you can think of any more to add, or have questions when to fill one out, please contact us.

Job Postings

External CUPE Local 1431 job postings are located on the Halifax Water Website. For Internal postings please check your Halifax Water E-mail.

  • External Job Postings
  • Halifax Water Webmail